A Brief History
of the

Table Top Gaming Society

The Table Top Gaming Society was "officially" established on June 10, 2009

IN THE BEGINNING there was a great void in the valley.
Wargamers were despondent and unable to play.
Life was barely worth living.

Then there came a bright light into the gaming community.
There was a new club in town. Its members played with toy soldiers.
Everyone wanted to join and there was great rejoicing.

Thus began the era of the Table Top Gaming Society.
Wargaming was again fun. Games became plentiful.
Life was, once again, good.

Not content to merely exist, the Table Top Gaming Society began to expand.
Soon all in the valley knew of the club's greatness.

Word quickly spread.
Many dignitaries and potentates from all over the world clammoured for a
photo op with a club member. Such photos are of course, very rare and jealously guarded.

Recently, the Table Top Gaming Society has opened its membership doors wide.
In their benevolence, they have agreed to accept new members who feel the same
primal urges to collect, paint, and play with toy soldiers.

If you believe yourself to be such an initiate, then don't delay.

Contact the Table Top Gaming Society today.

== Club Shirts & Banners Over The Years ==


Same Banner

15 Years

Our 2nd Banner

10 Years

Our 1st Banner

Our 1st Shirt
1 Year

Friends We Have Lost

Tom Schroeder

Fred Baumack

Al Revere

Mark Kudelka

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